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CH Alto Mare Lookout Rocketman CDX WWD
Rawley was a big, sweet fellow (22-1/4 inches and a solid 58 pounds). He was from a litter sired by our boy "Decker" and, while we co-owned him for many years, his heart belonged to his owner Darlene Brushwein and her family.
Rawley was a wavy boy with silver fox markings. He loved to swim, retrieve and play with any toy he could get his mouth or paws on. In addition to being an enthusiastic worker in the water, he proved to be a very good obedience dog.

Rawley's Stats
DOB: 3/10/11
GM-1: Normal/Clear
Optigen: Normal/Clear
EOPRA: Clear
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Normal
JDCM: 1-1 (Probable Normal)
Improper Coat: Normal
MOS/Puppy Eye: Clear
Frozen Semen Available
Rawley's OFA Listing

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